Entrepreneurship as Career Option

Entrepreneurship as Career Option

Virtual University of Pakistan Organized a Seminar on "Entrepreneurship as Career Option" on 1st October, 2019 starting 10am at Sialkot Campus of Virtual University in collaboration with SMEDA and VU ORIC (Office of Research, Innovation & Commercialization). Mr. Zubair Anwar from SMEDA (Profile attached) and Dr. Salman Hassan, Deputy Director, ORIC of Virtual University of Pakistan addressed the final year students and highlighted the role of Entrepreneurship in creating economic opportunities, decreasing unemployment, generating national income and contributing to a stronger nation. The Seminar was also attended by Mr. Muhammad Tahir Malik (Regional Campus Manager – Central). The session was attended by large number of Students and faculty members.
CEO Virtual University Sialkot Campus Wing Commander (Retd) Tamgha-e-Basalat also addressed the students and said that he believed that one of the biggest and most significant benefits of entrepreneurship is that it helps in the identification and development of managerial talent.
After an informative and motivation address of Guest Speaker and Dr Salman Hassan the house was open to question/answer session and students showed lots of interest and motivation to seek guidance to take up Entrepreneurship as career option.
Later students, VU Sialkot campus faculty and Seminar personnel joined for a light lunch.